Saturday, August 9, 2008

Swimming & Bowling

Hi people. I'm proud to announce that for swimming, out of 8 golds, Local U managed to grab 6 of them. Thumbs up to Karin Ch'ng, our swimming event leader! Congrats to the winners of the following events:
  • 50m Freestyle (Male): Eugene
  • 400m Freestyle (Male): Jeremy Er
  • 4x50m Freestyle (Male): Jeremy, Donovan, Johnson, Eugene
  • 50m Breaststroke (Female): Karin Ch'ng
  • 400m Freestyle (Female): Karin Ch'ng
  • 4x50m Freestyle (Female): Karin, Kricia, Chiew Wei, Cindy
(From left to right: Christine, Johnson, Eugene, Kricia, Karin, Cindy, Chiew Wei)
A powerful team of Local U swimmers.
By the way, if you're wondering why Christine was the only person not in her swimsuit, that's because she forgot to bring hers for the competition...hilarious!

And for Bowling, there's the male and female category. I'm proud to announce that Local U swept 2 golds from the two events as well. Great job to Hon Kiet, our bowling event leader for picking a strong team. Congratulations to:
  • Bowling - Male: Lawrence
  • Bowling - Female: Judy Ong
Hon Kiet and Judy Ong pointing at the largest orange fruit they found in the bowling alley.
(From left to right: Hon Kiet, me, Patrick, Lawrence)
Lawrence, our bowling king quoted: "Green ball represents Local U!"

So we got 8 golds today. In total, 9 golds we have under our belt.

Good job guys! We're halfway to victory! Let's keep on fighting till the end...

Local U rocks!!!


  1. Woohoo a great day for LU. And I thought I timed Karin slightly slower :p

  2. wow.. din wear swimsuit still can win. very the amazing
